Whistleblower Reporting Centre

According to the Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz), which came into force on 2 July 2023, companies with generally more than 50 employees are obliged to set up an internal reporting office. Anyone who does not meet this obligation faces a fine of up to 20,000 euros.

We advise you on all questions relating to the implementation of the internal reporting office in your company and help you in the evaluation of reports received.

You can also outsource most of the tasks associated with the internal reporting office to us. Using software that is fully compliant with data protection law and has multiple certifications, which meets the highest security standards and guarantees the anonymity of whistleblowers, we set up a reporting channel for you that is individually tailored to your corporate identity. We receive any reports from employees of your company or group of companies and process them in compliance with the law. The advantages are obvious:  The internal reporting office activities will use fewer resources within your organisation and the entire reporting process is organised more effectively by transferring it to experienced lawyers. We can distinguish more quickly between reportable and non-reportable information, and provide you with a legal assessment at an early stage if the information is reportable. As an independent and impartial mediator, we also largely eliminate the risk of internal company conflicts due to relationships between colleagues.